Electronic:low energy sensoring

These are some of the small projects I have been working on.

The first project is a simple dimmer for incandescent light-bulb. The electronic is very basic and the circuit can be improved by introducing a choke to decrease the buzz. However the final outcome is a minimal looking light solution. The second project (still on going work) is a low energy temperature and humidity node. The sensoring node is not something new, many have experienced with that and many good solutions are available on-line for purchase. The objective of this project is:

  • In summer: maximizing the ventilation at night and minimizing the effect of the solar irradiation.
  • In winter: optimizing the on-off time of the heating system and provide uniform level of confort in the whole ambient.
  • The regulation is authomatic and a central node processes the data of the different nodes. The result of the live computation determines the actual accomplishment of some comfort critera. The system regulates the following devices to reach the pre-determined criteria in the two different seasons:

    I'm looking forward to utilize sensors for bridges and structures in general for monitoring.

    Website design and data server managing

    These are the basic languages used in many modern websites as well as this one:

    Another very interesting aspect in data storing and accessing is represented by server machines. Here is a list of the tools I consider more interesting among many others: